Product Cover Organix Mantra Vitamin C & E Floral Fusion Face Mist & Toner, Skin Clarifying - 120ml - Clarity & Refresh

Organix Mantra Vitamin C & E Floral Fusion Face Mist & Toner, Skin Clarifying - 120ml - Clarity & Refresh

  • Features
  • Description
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✔ VITAMIN C, E : Vitamin C protects the skin from sun damage which is a leading cause of skin aging. Vitamin E helps soften skin as well as get rid of blemishes.

✔ ROSE : An excellent cleanser which helps in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores. Helps even out skin tone as well as tightens pores.

✔ CHAMOMILE : It helps get rid of age spots and acne scars as well as lightens sun tanned skin. Has the effect of skin whitening and lightening of the complexion.

✔ JASMINE : Works great for dry skin. Regular use results in glowing skin all year around.

✔ LAVENDER, NEROLI : Lavender helps soothen as well as nourishes the skin. Eliminates dark spots and acne scars. Neroli helps with oily skin and opening of clogged pores.




Organix Mantra



ASG Mantra


ASG Mantra





This is a unique product specifically designed to rejuvenate the skin. When used regularly you will get younger looking, soft and supple skin. With the goodness of flowers and vitamins this is indeed a potent beauty treatment. Specially formulated for the skin it takes care of vital skin issues such as hyper pigmentation, dry and dull skin, acne and others. Using this product is a completely natural way to beautify your skin. Apply it regularly to get radiant complexion as well as soft, youthful and glowing skin. The effect on the skin is indeed magical and makes your skin feel and look good. This product also plays the role of a potent skin toner. It helps to remove excess dirt, traces of oil and makeup, corrects and balances the pH of the skin, as well as controls acne. The product thoroughly cleans the skin and helps remove built up surface dead skin cells. It is ideal for folks with sensitive skin who will experience significant results by using this high-quality skin toner.