Product Cover Sheer Veda Lemon Grass Essential Oil 100% Pure,Natural, Undiluted for Skin,Hair and Aromatherapy. 15 ml

Sheer Veda Lemon Grass Essential Oil 100% Pure,Natural, Undiluted for Skin,Hair and Aromatherapy. 15 ml

  • Features
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Lemongrass oils may help in promoting hair density and reduce hair loss. Prior to use,it must be diluted with a carrier oil, such as Coconut oil.

Lemongrass essential oil is helpful in reducing stress and irritability. The pleasant aroma of lemongrass oil help in uplifting the senses and mind.

To deodorise the unpleasant smell lemongrass oil is one of the best natural option available. It should be mixed with water and use as a mist for cleaning surfaces to eliminateodour.

Lemongrass essential oil could be used as a natural repellent for bees, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and ants. A diluted form of Lemongrass essential oil can be sprayed around your home.

Lemongrass essential oil must be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, argan or almond before applying to skin.




Sheer Veda




Sheer Veda


Sheer Veda




Lemongrass oil has a sweet, distinctive lemonyaroma which gives the discrete feeling of freshness. SheerVeda Lemongrass oil is unadulterated, non-toxic and 100% pure. Our Lemongrass essential oil is extracted from fine lemongrass leaves using the process of steam distillation. This process of extraction is chosen to obtain the purest oil and to get the real concentrated scent. Lemongrass oil possesses anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. It has a calming, soothing, refreshing and rejuvenating effect on the body. Lemongrass oil could be a great choice for relaxing massages when diluted with carrier oils.