Product Cover Sheer Veda Avocado Oil Cold Pressed 100% Pure, Natural for Skin and Hair 15 ml

Sheer Veda Avocado Oil Cold Pressed 100% Pure, Natural for Skin and Hair 15 ml

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Avocado Oil contains vitamins A, D & E and is enriched with collagen-supporting amino acids & proteins which helps in combating the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, stretch marks, dry & saggy skin. Avocado oil for skin increases elasticity in the skin giving the younger looking skin.

High concentration of healthy fats and antioxidants in Avocado Oil, provide nourishment by penetrating deeply into the skin. It works as a natural moisturizer and reduces drynessof skin.

Avocado Oil is suitable for all skin types. It is gentle even on the sensitive skin and doesn't clog pores. It can be applied over nails as a nails moisturizer.

It is can be mixed with carrier oils to obtain the massage oil for hairs and scalp to get soft and manageable hairs.

The high penetration property of Avocado oil helps in reviving the dehydrated & sun damaged skin. It can be used in minimizing the stretch mark.




Sheer Veda




Sheer Veda


Sheer Veda




Avocado oil is usually greenish-yellow in colour and smells of avocados. Sheer Veda Avacado oil is extracted by Cold press process from the flesh of avocado fruit.Avocado Oil is rich in Vitamin A, D and E, essential and trace minerals and amino acids. Its properties make it especially suitable for use in skin and hair care. Avocado oil is typically used in the blended form with the other oils because of its thick and heavy consistency. Avocado Oil has nourishing property. It nourishes the skin and hairs by penetrating deeper layers. It is ideal for all skin types but it is often used for dry skins and is very useful in reviving the skin damaged by sun or harsh climate.It helps in skin regeneration and softening the tissue.Even though it can be used in its pure form, it is mostly mixed with another carrier oil, such as Almond oil, or Grapeseed oil to make up 10 - 30 % of the carrier mixture. Avocado Oil is the perfect oil to be mixed with other essential oils. Customize your massage oil by adding the carrier oil of your choice to avocado oil.