Product Cover Ketofy - Coconut Keto Cookies (400g) | Bakery Style Gourmet Cookies | 100% Sugar Free | Gluten Free

Ketofy - Coconut Keto Cookies (400g) | Bakery Style Gourmet Cookies | 100% Sugar Free | Gluten Free

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ULTRA LOW CARB: 0.5g Net Carbs per cookie. These cookies have a rich coconutty flavour. Baked with ingredients like 100% natural coconut, almonds and pumpkin seeds these delicious cookies melt right in your mouth. No wheat protein (gluten), no artificial isolates, no preservatives, no food colours, no soy, no added sugar, no hydrogenated oils, no xylitol, no sorbitol, no resistant dextrin, no sucralose, no maltitol.

100% NATURAL: 100% Vegetarian. Created from all-natural ingredients like almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, psyllium husk, coconut and watermelon seeds. These ingredients are naturally rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These cookies are ideal for people on a Keto Diet, Low Carb Diet, Gluten-Free Diet, Vegan Diet, Atkins Diet or on a General Healthy Diet Regime.

HOLISTIC NUTRITION: These cookies are naturally high in protein and omega fats. Ketofy snacks are extremely low in glycemic index and the composition of ingredients helps in boosting digestive health, energy levels, heart health, and overall health. Beneficial for Diabetics with an ultra-low glycemic index.

THE PERFECT SNACK: Ketofy - Coconut Keto Cookies can be consumed as an evening snack with Ketofy Tea, Ketofy Coffee or Ketofy Milk. This makes them a perfect companion for your workout, morning Coffee, chilling our sessions with friends, late-night study sessions and your travels.

WORLD LEADERS: Ketofy is the world leader in Ketogenic and low carb products. Ketofy products are crafted with truthfulness without adding any harmful ingredients like gluten (wheat protein), artificial isolates, synthetic preservatives or artificial food colours. Ketofy is the first brand in the world that has created a complete pantry of healthy low carb products enabling millions of people to execute a healthy ketogenic diet.














A Keto Diet or a Ketogenic Diet is a very low-carb diet, which helps people to fix their internal health parameters, burn fat more effectively and feel more energetic. Millions of people have already experienced its many proven benefits for weight loss, diabetes, PCOS, energy levels, thyroid, athletic and sexual performance.

The word Ketofy has become synonymous with Healthy Low Carb food that helps people feel energetic from inside by fundamentally fixing their health parameters. Ketofy Products help to fix the fundamental issues with the human body that have been caused by years of abuse due to modern lifestyle diet and habits.

Ketofy is the world's healthiest pantry of healthy ultra low carb food products that help to fix the root causes of the modern lifestyle health conditions like weight issues, obesity, sugar regulation, pre-diabetes & diabetes, insulin resistance, thyroid and metabolic syndrome.

Ketofy products work by fundamentally fixing the insulin response in the human body. Modern day products - with high carbs and sugar - cause the insulin level in the blood to be constantly elevated. This results in rapid fat gain even if one is eating very less quantity of food and subsequently feeling very low in energy (because Insulin is and indicator to remove all blood sugar and convert it into.

The Ketofy Approach does not require people to change their existing dietary patterns and desires in order to conform to the low carb regime. The complete product offering allows people to keep eating what they enjoy the most and still reap numerous health benefits of a natural low carb paradigm. Ketofy Products are re-created in the desired form from natural superfood ingredients like nuts and seeds.