Product Cover Advance MuscleMass Citrulline Malate 2:1 Amino acid 200Gm Unflavoured With 100 Servings

Advance MuscleMass Citrulline Malate 2:1 Amino acid 200Gm Unflavoured With 100 Servings

  • Features
  • Description
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Raw Citrulline Malate which is international grade

Each serving contains 2 gm L-Citrulline DL- Malate [2:1]

It is the precursor of L-Arginine amino acid, which converts into nitric oxide in the body

Boost exercise performance, stamina and recovery, Helps to maintain and increase to MuscleMass

One Serving (2g) with 200 ml of water or juice or BCAA 40 min before workout or as recommended by your trainer



Advance MuscleMass




Strava Healthcare


Strava Healthcare




Citrulline is a natural amino acid. It is found in some foods like watermelon and is also produced naturally by the body. L-citrulline DL-malate is used as sport supplement. It works mainly by removing ammonia from the body, Widening blood vessels and play a role in muscle building After consuming Citrulline some of it converted to another amino acid called arginine. Arginine is converted into a molecule called nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation and thus boost exercise performance Due to its dual effects on protein synthesis and amino acid breakdown, it may help to maintaining and increasing muscle mass. One Serving (2g) with 200 ml of water or juice or BCAA 40 min before workout or as recommended by your trainer.