Product Cover Banyan Botanicals Healthy Skin - USDA Certified Organic - 90 Tablets - Daily Supplement for Radiant, Flawless Skin*

Banyan Botanicals Healthy Skin - USDA Certified Organic - 90 Tablets - Daily Supplement for Radiant, Flawless Skin*

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What causes breakouts? Ayurvedic skin care teaches that unsightly blemishes are more than skin deep. Excess heat in the blood, liver, and elsewhere can manifest on the skin, leading to irritations, discomfort, and reduced confidence.*

This cooling and cleansing formula combines a number of Ayurvedic herbs-such as all anantamul, manjistha, and neem-all of which have been used for centuries to foster a healthy complexion, clear skin, and a visible inner radiance.*

The skin is one of the most sensitive organs in the human body, and often reflects what is happening internally. Take 1-2 of these tablets each day to reduce excessive internal heat, gently detoxify the blood, nourish the liver, and promote natural beauty, inside and out!*

Banyan Botanicals is committed to producing the highest quality Ayurvedic products using USDA certified organic herbs that are sustainably sourced and fairly traded. All our products are 3rd party tested to ensure product quality and safety.

The Healthy Guarantee: If for any reason you are not satisfied with one of our products, we will gladly accept returns for a full product refund.


Health and Beauty


Banyan Botanicals




Banyan Botanicals


Banyan Botanicals



90 Tablets


Natural Support for Clear & Radiant Skin*

Healthy Skin blends nine of the most powerful Ayurvedic herbs for skin health, creating a formula that supports healthy skin from within. Clear, radiant skin requires proper nutrition, hydration, and oleation. Toxins, excess heat, and inadequate nourishment can all contribute to skin issues. The cleansing herbs in Healthy Skin support the body's natural ability to remove toxins from the blood, lymph and liver. Simultaneously, pitta-soothing herbs help relieve excess heat and calm irritable skin. The nourishing herbs in this formula also promote rejuvenation of the skin cells and support the skin's natural healing process. The skin is a mirror for how things are inside the body. The cleansing and rejuvenating herbs of Healthy Skin beautify the inside to give you vibrant, glowing skin on the outside.*

About Banyan Botanicals:

Banyan Botanicals was founded in 1996 with the mission to help people achieve and maintain optimal health and well-being. As an Ayurvedic lifestyle company, we specialize in products made from Ayurvedic herbs that are organically grown, sustainably sourced, fairly traded, and made in the USA. Our product line includes the largest selection of USDA certified organic Ayurvedic herbs as well as herbal tablets, liquid extracts, massage oils, and chyavanprash. Banyan is committed to providing exceptional customer service, inspiring educational content, and the highest quality Ayurvedic herbs that are safe, pure, and effective.